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Radcy Prawni/Adwokaci należący do sieci WOLEP, którzy udzielają Porad Prawnych Online (wideo-audio) lub poprzez Sporządzanie Dokumentów Prawnych są Radcami Prawnymi/Adwokatami spełniającymi wysokie standardy w praktyce prawnej. Klienci, którzy do tej pory skorzystali z Porad na żywo lub w formie pisemnej świadczonych przez Radców Prawnych/Adwokatów partnerskich WOLEP wystawili im Ocenę 9.82. Możesz zaoszczędzić czas spędzony w drodze do biura Radcy Prawnego/Adwok...

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Sporządzanie dokumentów prawnych

Radcy Prawni/Adwokaci będący partnerami WOLEP, którzy udzielają Porad Prawnych Online, zarówno Na Żywo (wideo-audio), jak i poprzez Sporządzanie Dokumentów Prawnych są Radcami Prawnymi/Adwokatami spełniającymi wysokie standardy w praktyce prawnej. Klienci, którzy do tej pory skorzystali z Porad Na Żywo lub w Formie Pisemnej udzielanych przez Radców Prawnych/Adwokatów partnerskich WOLEP, wystawili im Ocenę 9.82. Co musisz zrobić: Wybrać Radcę Prawnego/Adwokata....

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Znajdź Radcę Prawnego/Adwokata

Międzynarodową Sieć Radców Prawnych/Adwokatów WOLEP tworzą Radcy Prawni/Adwokaci z wszystkich krajów Unii Europejskiej, którzy specjalizują się we wszystkich dziedzinach praktyki prawniczej. Radcy Prawni/Adwokaci należący do sieci WOLEP przeszli rygorystyczny proces selekcji, dzięki czemu możemy Ci zapewnić wysoki standard praktyki prawnej. Za pośrednictwem naszej wyszukiwarki możesz łatwiej wybrać Radcę Prawnego/Adwokata najlepiej pasującego do danej sprawy. Kryte...

Twój zespół radców prawnych/adwokatów
Twój zespół radców prawnych/adwokatów

Aby osiągnąć świetnie wyniki, konieczne jest podjęcie współpracy z Wyspecjalizowanymi Prawnikami. Dziedzina prawa stała się bardzo złożona i z tego powodu uzyskanie doskonałych rezultatów staje się możliwe dzięki współpracy z Zespołem Prawników specjalizujących się w dziedzinach dostosowanych do danej sprawy Klienta. Wybór jednego Prawnika, który „wie wszystko” nie zawsze jest najlepszym wyborem. Jak zbudować swój Zespół Prawników? Możesz zapoznać si...

Wyspecjalizowani prawnicy są gotowi podjąć się rozwiązania Twojego problemu prawnego
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doskonały prawnik
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In our legal problem, he informed us accurately and clearly and enabled our problem to be resolved in a short time.
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North Macedonia
Ms. Minoska is an exceptionally skilled attorney and an outstanding communicator. I have been consistently impressed by her extensive knowledge, empathetic approach, and wealth of experience. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend her!
Adelina Zapis
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9,80 (2 Opinie)
La asesoría, calidad de información y acciones preventivas, establecidas por el despacho, han sido de mucho valor para nuestra compañía, asimismo, la comunicación activa nos permite continuamente reaccionar con mayor agilidad y anticipación ante posibles riesgos de compliance.
Robles Diego
Gerente Administrativo
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Professional and very easy to talk to, explained all matters I had questions for with plain words. He helped me register my company and vetted the contract with my first clients. I was very satisfied with his support.
Mihail Panayotov
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I have had the privilege of collaborating with Jelena, and I must say that working together on our WOLEP Talk has been an absolute pleasure. Jelena's commitment to thoroughness and attention to detail is truly commendable. She approaches every task with a meticulous mindset, leaving no stone unturned and ensuring that every aspect is carefully considered and addressed. One of Jelena's greatest strengths lies in her exceptional networking skills. Her ability to connect and collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds greatly enhances her ability to provide comprehensive and well-rounded legal advice. Promptness is another area where Jelena truly excels. She demonstrated thus her strong sense of professionalism and respect for deadlines. Beyond her impressive professional skills, Jelena's friendly and approachable demeanor sets her apart. If you are looking for a dedicated and talented professional who consistently delivers outstanding results, Jelena is the one you want by your side.
Teodor Burnar
Chief of Content, WOLEP Network
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I have never shopped online, I am a person who prefers to see and touch the things I buy. I never thought I would choose a lawyer through the net, but I was really lucky. Mr. Pezzuti was very patient and assisted me in a very complicated matter. Despite the lengths of Italian justice, he has been my legal advisor and also a strong psychological support
Theresa Wallace
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Great knowledge
Nikola Jovanovic
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As a communications expert who had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Dejan Zurovac from Novi Sad, Serbia, I can attest to his impressive professionalism and expertise in the complex field of urban planning and construction. During our conversation, Mr. Zurovac demonstrated a deep understanding of the legal and technical aspects of the projects he has worked on, and his ability to communicate complex issues in a clear and concise manner was highly effective. His attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality results were also evident, as were his exceptional interpersonal skills. Based on my experience, I would highly recommend Mr. Zurovac to anyone looking for a lawyer with extensive experience in urban planning and construction. His deep knowledge and expertise in the field are complemented by his excellent communication and interpersonal skills, making him a valuable asset to any team and client.
Teodor Burnar, PhD
Chief of Content at WOLEP
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Il a la passion de vous défendre et de soigner vos intérêts à tout prix, où que vous soyez
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Muy estudiosa y comprometida con su profesión.
Gonzalo Fernández
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Met Balazs at a conference in Nuremberg. Cheerful but also professional, it is a joy to know such colleagues
Liam McEwan LLM
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Romeo is an excellent professional, with an admirable character, components that make him a complete lawyer. I highly recommend him!
Eric S.
Financial Director
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Abogado multidisciplinar muy profesional
Fanny Porras Delgado-Ureña
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
Odlična usluga, svakako preporučam.
Zvonimir Perić
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There was always great communication when ever we had any questions or concerns. The service Carmen provided seemed like we were her top and only case with amazing personal attention. We were always informed promptly of any and all updates to our case and best of all it was resolved in our favor with high efficiency. I really felt comfortable with our serious matter in Carmen's hands.
Alarie Isabel
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avvocato Tedioli
Gianni Ribolla
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A very good lawyer! Extremely efficient and communicative. It helped me understand a very important situation for me.
Sorin Avramescu
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Maitre Paul Kazadi est très disponible et très engagé dans sa relation professionnelle.
Kalanga Anne Marie
Mère au foyer
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Conosco personalmente L'avvocata Caterina Caput con la quale ho un rapporto professionale da molti anni. La disponibilità personale e la competenza professionale di Caterina l'hanno resa per me il punto di riferimento per tutti gli aspetti legali. M.Monforte
Marco Monforte
C.E.O. TimeZeroTeam S.r.l
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Ms. Lucija Vranesevic Grbic is an exceptional lawyer that I highly recommend to anyone in need of legal services. She consistently demonstrated professionalism, politeness, promptness, and approachability in all our interactions, making my job much easier. She is a trustworthy person and a consummate professional, with exceptional attention to detail and proactive communication skills that set her apart as an exceptional legal advisor in both criminal law and tech law and corporate law respectively. I strongly recommend her services to anyone seeking a knowledgeable and dedicated lawyer.
Teodor Burnar
Chief of Content & Branding, WOLEP Network
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I hired Mrs. Ablai to settle a business dispute. She worked tirelessly to assure that the settlement was fair to me and enforceable. She was very responsive to my needs and I have recommended her to several colleagues.
Jennifer Lear
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Je l'ai plus apprécié en droit de la santé.
Droit au service de consommateurs DASCO Asbl
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Buen profesional.
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Amazing professionalist!
S. Stoyanova
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I had the privilege of recently collaborating with Ms. Magdalena Sobolewska, and I am delighted to express my highest regard for her exceptional skills and professionalism. Magdalena's profound knowledge and expertise in the field of real estate make her an outstanding lawyer. What distinguishes Magdalena is her remarkable ability to effortlessly blend her extensive legal knowledge with a warm and approachable personality. Her adeptness at combining these qualities is truly remarkable. Additionally, I was greatly impressed by Magdalena's fluency and articulation in English, showcasing her excellent communication skills. Working alongside Magdalena was not only professionally enriching but also a truly enjoyable experience. I wholeheartedly endorse Magdalena as an invaluable asset to the legal profession and a trusted advocate for her clients.
Teodor Burnar
Chief of Content, WOLEP Network
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Très bon
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very professionnel
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
Great lawyer
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